Operating Systems And Server Technologies
Advanced Kubernetes Concepts
Kubernetes Clustering & Containers
Kubernetes Manifests, Declaratives, & Imperatives
Kubernetes Pods, Deployments, Services, Namespaces, & DaemonSets

Kubernetes Clustering & Containers

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Kubernetes Clustering & Containers

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • define what a cluster and nodes are and understand the motivation behind clustering
  • demonstrate some of the classical challenges associated with clustering and how Kubernetes helps us overcome them
  • explain how Kubernetes was designed for distributed computing and that it is clustering software
  • demonstrate a Kubernetes cluster with more than a single node
  • explain how it is important to be able to place pods on different nodes throughout the cluster and how that is related to high availability and reliability
  • demonstrate a simple pod scheduling policy
  • explain what a secret is in Kubernetes and why it is useful
  • identify the concept of init containers and describe why they are useful
  • identify Kubernetes networking policies and explain what they are used for
  • demonstrate a networking policy
  • explain the notion of package management in Kubernetes
  • install a package using Helm and recognize basic functions and features
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Explore clustering in-depth, practice with a real Kubernetes cluster, and learn about more advanced cluster management features of Kubernetes. In this course, you値l learn advanced clustering concepts in Kubernetes. First, you値l learn about clusters and nodes and the motivation behind clustering and its challenges. You値l then learn how Kubernetes was designed for distributed computing and that it is a clustering software. You値l explore a Kubernetes cluster with more than a single node and a simple pod scheduling policy. You値l also explore a secret in Kubernetes and why it is useful. You値l learn about init containers and Kubernetes networking policies Finally, you値l explore package management and Helm.


Prerequisites: none

Kubernetes Manifests, Declaratives, & Imperatives

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Kubernetes Manifests, Declaratives, & Imperatives

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • identify what Kubernetes is, provide its history, and provide context for why it is so useful
  • identify several key features of Kubernetes
  • describe the YAML templating language
  • install Docker Desktop in a Windows environment and recognize its Kubernetes features
  • install Minikube to configure a minimal Kubernetes cluster in Windows
  • install a container runtime in a Linux environment that Kubernetes can leverage to launch containers
  • install kubelet, kubeadm, and kubectl in Linux
  • bootstrap a multi-node Kubernetes cluster in Linux
  • use kubectl imperative commands to manage a cluster using imperative object configuration
  • describe Kubernetes objects and their purpose
  • identify the declarative cluster management paradigm
  • compare and contrast imperative and declarative cluster management approaches
  • demonstrate the key advantages of declarative cluster management
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Learning the foundations of Kubernetes and why it is used will help you gain a better appreciation for its flexibility, as will becoming familiar with the Kubernetes CLI. In this course, you値l be introduced to Kubernetes and cluster management. You値l first learn about Kubernetes, including its key features and objects. You値l then explore the YAML templating language and advanced YAML. You値l examine a Kubernetes environment from both Windows and Linux perspectives. Next, you'll move on to learn about the imperative and declarative kubectl commands, as well as similarities and differences with imperative and declarative cluster management. Finally, you値l learn about the key advantages of declarative cluster management.


Prerequisites: none

Kubernetes Pods, Deployments, Services, Namespaces, & DaemonSets

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Kubernetes Pods, Deployments, Services, Namespaces, & DaemonSets

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • identify what a pod is, and explain its crucial role in Kubernetes
  • identify the phases of a pod's life and describe a pod's lifecycle
  • identify how resources can be allocated and restricted per-container
  • identify what a namespace is in Kubernetes and recognize its role
  • introduce the concept of a policy in Kubernetes and demonstrate with a type of policy called a limit range
  • identify what a ReplicaSet is in Kubernetes and recognize its role
  • identify what a DaemonSet is in Kubernetes and why they are used
  • recognize what a deployment is in Kubernetes, what they are used for, and how they relate to pods and ReplicaSets
  • explore a simple example deployment
  • recognize what a Service is in Kubernetes, what they are used for, and how they relate to deployments
  • explore a simple example service
  • identify what an Ingress is in Kubernetes and recognize its role
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Discover the building blocks provide the foundation of real production clusters. In this course, you値l explore key Kubernetes concepts. You値l first learn how to identify pod its crucial role in Kubernetes. You値l then learn to identify the phases of a pod's life and a pod's lifecycle. You値l learn how resources can be allocated and restricted per-container and be able to identify what a Namespace is in Kubernetes. You値l then be introduce the concept of a policy, a ReplicaSet, and a DaemonSet in Kubernetes. You値l also learn about a Deployment and a Service in Kubernetes. Finally, you値l learn how to identify what an Ingress is in Kubernetes and understand its role.


Prerequisites: none

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